Friday, January 02, 2009

New Year, New...well, pretty much everything!

So Matt has moved on to his own blog space and permanently handed this one over to my sole possession. It's been so long that I've written anything that it took me about 5 minutes just to log in!

Since last we posted, I've gone through almost an entire pregnancy! Our first little one, a girl to be named Isabelle, is set to arrive just about any day now. Though I'm not officially due until the 19th, I'd prefer for her to arrive by about the 15th. I'm ready to be done with pregnancy and move on to motherhood and getting back into my old clothes! I can't complain too much, though, because this whole pregnancy experience has been good to me. I had zero morning sickness, no complications, and other than being swollen and having to go to the bathroom every 2 hours at night, I don't even feel terribly uncomfortable even now.

Still, I have to admit I'm nervous about labor and delivery. It's been almost too easy up to this point. Where will I be when my water breaks? When I start having contractions, will I even realize what his happening? This is such a new experience that I have almost no idea what to expect. We did the whole childbirth class, but it's different for everyone and I know it's hard to describe what some of these things feel like....a foot to the rib cage being a good example, you can't really describe it, but you know when you feel it!

I think it's still safe to say that I have some time to prepare. I know it's not a lot, but the baby hasn't 'dropped' nor have I had any extreme nesting urges just I think I'm in the clear for at least a few more days! Only time will tell!

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